Friday, June 1, 2012

A Great Line From A Great Movie About Writing

One of my favorite movies is Throw Momma From The Train. Most people think it's a comedy about murdering an old woman. Not really. It's a comedy about writing. The murder is the macguffin that drives the story forward.

Billy Crystal (underrated as an actor, in my opinion) is Larry, a published author and teacher who's suffering from writer's block due to his unresolved hatred for his ex-wife. One of his students is Owen (played perfectly by Danny DeVito), a simple man whose one desire in life, aside from becoming an author, is to be rid of his overbearing mother. Misunderstanding Crystal's recommendation that he watch Hitchcock's Strangers On a Train to learn about crafting a story, Owen decides that Larry is sending him a coded signal to follow the Hitchcock movie's plot and exchange murders.

The movie is wonderfully inventive and one of the best throwaway lines in it is Larry telling his class "Remember, a writer writes." Good advice! Thus, the name and even the reason for this blog.

I doubt I'll get a lot of readers. It's just a chance for me to hone my writing skills and draw attention to my work and link to the various places on the web where I put the stories. I may even throw in a few bits of fiction here to practice.

So if you're reading this, welcome. If you're not reading this, welcome anyway. See? I can be nice.